Gates and Access Control

Keeping People and Assets Safe and Secure

Hi-Tech‘s Access Control and Gate security systems are the key to regulating entry for vehicles, pedestrian gates, and/or doors by determining who can access an area and when while also keeping a record to easily review later.

Enhanced Gate Security.

With Hi-Tech‘s Virtual Gate and License Plate Technology you can reduce wait times while keeping a record of each person who arrives. Our Gate Guard captures an image of the license plate, then cross-references the tag number to the database of authorized visitors (by vehicle). If the visitor has entered the property before, their license plate would be recognized, and the gates would automatically open.

When a guest is not registered or automatically authorized, our trained virtual guards will greet the guest and contact the resident. Once contacted, the virtual guard will grant or deny entry as instructed.


Total Property Access Control.

Hi-Tech allows you to provide access control to any entry points located indoors and outdoors. Monitor is a door have been opened or closed and even if it’s locked or unlocked. What to stay up to date? Get status notifications via text or email of certain access points you want to monitor closer.

Limit Property Access. Customize access codes to limit property access by date range, day of week, time of day, and even by the number of uses.

Receive Alerts. Set alerts for email, text or phone notification each time the property is accessed.

See Visitors. Receive real-time photos of visitors to your phone or email (with camera or video products).

View Historical Logs. View historical property access records including time/date, access code used, photos (on products with cameras), and the caller ID of any phone used.

QR Code Visitor Management

Choose either Individual Visitor Key or Temporary Event Keys. Individual Keys are shared w/only one visitor & provide recurring and restricted access. Temporary Event Keys can be shared w/multiple visitors & provide access for 1-hour only or up to 7 days unrestricted.

Added Security & Convenience:

  • All Keys refresh when used, eliminating screen shot sharing, increasing security.
  • Individual Keys can be stored in wallet or calendar for easy access.
  • Temporary Event Keys can be stored in a calendar for easy access.

Eliminate Access Code Sharing:

  • QR Code Keys reduce the need for more easily shared access codes, increasing security.

Administration Management & Control:

  • Administrator can choose to manage and send QR Code Keys to visitors on resident request; or –
  • Administrator can choose to grant residents access to send either Individual or Temporary Event Keys, or both, to visitors.

Simple to Issue:

  • QR Code Keys can be granted and created via mobile device.

Tracking Logs:

  • Your portal logs every QR Code Key usage attempt, including a picture of the visitor.

Individual Visitor Key

Used when you need to grant recurring access based on date, time of day, or amount of uses. 

  • Only shared with one visitor 
  • Limited by the day, time, and number of uses restrictions that are set up by property manager. 
  • Good for anyone who will need recurring access to a location. 

Ideal for: landscapers, pool cleaners, regular babysitters, dog walkers

Temporary Event Key

Used when you have a single event with multiple visitors attending that need access from an entry point.

  • Can be shared with multiple visitors
  • Includes a start date and time, along with a time limit from 1 hour to 7 days unrestricted
  • Valid for entire time window allotted 

Ideal for: parties, one-time visitors, movers, single events